Monday, June 22, 2009

A Tour of the Island

With our housing search finished, we were finally able to relax and explore more than just subdivisions this past weekend. On Sunday, we drove from Tumon, where we're staying on the west coast of the island all the way down to the south end, along the southern coast, and back up the northeastern coast. It took close to two hours and was nothing short of spectacular! I took far more pictures than necessary, and tried to pick the best ones to post here.

As we get to know the island better, I'll actually find myself able to remember the names of these places. For now, it's mostly just pictures!

The first pictures are from Agat Landing, the only place where we actually stopped and got out of the car. It's one of the War in the Pacific National Park sites and it's really interesting in that you can still go through caves that were used by Japanese troops as strongholds. I was able to take pictures of some of the informational placards, but others were too faded to read. The first one is sort of a map of the area, showing the caves. You may have to click on the picture and see the larger version to make anything out.

Then there are a few of the scenery along the way ...
I took a lot more great photos but my camera didn't transfer half of them. I guess I have some bugs to work out.

The water along the shore is generally pretty shallow, but this one really highlights how low the tide was that day.

I think this is Mt. Lam Lam, but I really have some learning to do before I start talking like I know everything. Mt. Lamlam is Guam's highest peak, and the highest point on Guam at 1,332 feet. If measured from the bottom of the Marianas trench, however, Lamlam rises to 37,820 feet above the ocean floor. Depending on where the measurement is taken, Lamlam rivals, but does not surpass Mauna Kea in Hawaii as the world's tallest mountain. It does beat out Everest by this definition (remember, of course that tallest and highest are different terms geographically).

Back in Tumon, Andrew picked some pretty flowers for my hair.

We enjoyed a relaxing retreat at the hotel's beachfront bar while we waited for our laundry to wash, and Andrew refused, as usual, to pose for a good photo.
I got a picture of the cliff (I think it's Two Lover's Point, which we need to visit),

the city,

and later - the sunset
Then, when Andrew walked me home from work I saw the largest snails I have ever seen!

...and that was our weekend.

We miss you all and want to hear what's going on with you, too!


Claudia said...

Great view ... fabulous sunset. I like the pix with you and Andrew in them ... he's still cute, even if he refuses to pose - but then, that's a mom talking! Miss you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the pictures Melissa. It is great to see your new home and learn something about Guam also. Have fun!