Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Blog

Planning a wedding, starting back to work, and becoming obsessed with pregnancy and childbirth have kept me from staying up to date on blogging about our life for all of you back at home. All of those things are finished now, but my new obsession: motherhood, is here to stay. At least for 18 years or so. I do want to take up blogging again, and keep the inquiring minds up to date on what we're doing out on this rock, but my focus has shifted slightly. Especially with my sweet husband gone, it's all about the babe these days. I have finally begun what I intended to begin three months ago: my parenting journal. I am going to discontinue use of this blog, especially since my language studies have fizzled out and the title is no longer terribly accurate anyway. I will, however, be posting at least a photo a day, over at, so if you wish to keep up with us, you can do so over there.